About Menopause - 6 minute read

Stay Informed: 10 Signs of Low Estrogen

Hormonal imbalances can be the culprit for many women's health concerns and tend to intensify around the age of menopause. One of the main hormones that can trigger some of the most intense experiences is estrogen. Estrogen, also referred to as a sex hormone, is the hormone responsible for the uterine lining growth during menstruation and pregnancy, helps with bone and cholesterol metabolism, and regulates key functions like food intake, body weight, glucose metabolism, and insulin sensitivity. The body produces estrogen in various forms, including estradiol and estrone. Once a woman begins to hit her midlife transition and eases into perimenopause, estrogen production begins to lower. This triggers a hormonal imbalance, which in turn produces a variety of concerns

If you're experiencing symptoms of perimenopause and are at least 35 years of age, be sure to see your healthcare provider. They can conduct a blood test to determine if you are indeed in the midst of your menopausal evolution. Keep in mind that hormonal imbalances aren't always a signal of menopause. It can also be a sign of an issue with the adrenal glands or the pituitary gland. If you're curious about what you can expect as your hormone levels shift, be sure to learn more about your family history as that can be an indicator of what is to come for you. Read on to learn more about the ten biggest symptoms of low estrogen levels.  

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a major signal of the menopausal transition and is a sign of a hormonal imbalance. Estrogen is responsible for vaginal lubrication. Vaginal dryness can become more common with low estrogen levels. Not only is this an uncomfortable experience, it also can impact your sex drive since sexual function suffers severely without vaginal lubrication and often results in painful sex. Our Daily Vaginal Lotion helps provide relief within just one day of use. Plus, with daily use, vaginal dryness is shown to decrease over time. 

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Weight Gain

Weight gain can be a tricky issue when it comes to hormones and your midlife evolution. As hormones begin to shift during the midlife years, weight gain can set in. For those who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal issue that leads to ovarian cysts, weight gain can also be a side effect. An imbalance of the thyroid hormone can also lead to gaining weight. Birth control can also lead to weight gain, due to the hormonal shifts it triggers. Any of these factors coupled with a less active lifestyle due to mood changes or stress can contribute to a significant weight gain. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help ease midlife weight gain. Be sure to see your health care provider to see exactly what is the culprit for the unexplained weight gain.

Irregular Periods

Irregular periods are yet another signal of a hormonal imbalance. An irregular period may be particularly heavy and painful or it could be extremely short. The average menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days and an irregular period is considered to fall outside of this range. Ovarian cysts and fibroids can be a cause of irregular periods and are also linked to hormonal imbalance. An irregular period can be a sign of entering perimenopause, as well. While women typically enter perimenopause around age 47, those who experience early menopause may begin experiencing period irregularity between age 40 and 45. Those who are experiencing premature menopause will begin experiencing period irregularity before age 40. Since there are a few different causes behind irregular periods, be sure to see your women's health expert for support.

Mood Swings

Estrogen impacts neurotransmitters in the brain and influences the production of serotonin. Fluctuations in your hormonal balance can trigger mood swings or even depression. These mood swings take place during premenstrual syndrome and during the menopausal era, specifically during perimenopause. Our Core Dietary Supplement addresses the major symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, brain fog, and mood swings. If mood changes are significantly impacting your day-to-day, psychotherapy may be of support. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has shown clinical success in treating menopause-induced mood swings.

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Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are a major sign of a hormonal imbalance. When your estrogen levels begin to drop, your hypothalamus becomes extremely sensitive to any slight change in your body temperature. If your body temperature raises even slightly, your hypothalamus triggers your body to get into overdrive expelling the excess heat. What ensues is a hot flash, an experience that results in sweating, red blotchy skin, and heat spreading throughout your head and neck. 

Night Sweats

Night sweats are hot flashes that occur while you're sleeping. Your body's temperature fluctuates quite a bit when you're sleeping. Your body will then attempt to release excess heat through a hot flash. Since the initial onset of the hot flash can occur while you're sleeping, you may find that you wake up soaked in sweat. Try keeping a cool compress bedside and sleeping in light, breathable fabrics for optimal comfort. 

Breast Tenderness

The rising and falling of hormone levels can affect breast tissue, leading to breast tenderness. If you're in the menopausal era and are on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you may also be subject to these breast changes. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor if sore breasts are a part of your HRT experience - a link between breast cancer and breast soreness during hormone therapy has been found and seeking support from a doctor can help you avoid further health issues. 

Bone Loss

Lowered levels of estrogen can lead to lowered bone density and commonly occurs during perimenopause. Many women do not realize they're suffering from bone loss until they break a bone. It is essential to adopt a healthy regimen as you move towards your menopausal transition. Tennis, running, and dancing are all excellent exercises for strengthening your bones and empowering your cardiovascular system. A healthy diet filled with calcium and vitamin D helps prevent bone loss and decreases risk of osteoporosis. 


Fatigue is triggered by high levels of progesterone. Low thyroid hormone levels, or hyperthyroidism, can also trigger fatigue. A common symptom of the menopausal era, many women experience exhaustion throughout their midlife evolution. If you find fatigue is impacting your daily life, get in touch with your women's health expert to troubleshoot the best solution for you.

Hair Loss 

Hormonal imbalance is a key culprit for hair loss in both men and women. The hormone responsible for hair loss is dihydrotestosterone, also known as DHT. This is a byproduct of testosterone. Fun fact: both men and women need stable testosterone levels, despite the common misconception that testosterone is a male hormone. 

Our Promise to You

You don’t have to go it alone. At Kindra, we don’t believe this evolution should be an isolated journey. We started a Facebook group for kindred spirits to connect and chat all things related to menopause, from intimacy to wellness. Join us! 


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Hi I use Lifestyle my 2questions I am 85 with descent health. First my cholesterol is 325 I need a good supplement reading about a fruit from Italy helps bring it down.
2nd I have several symptoms which shows I have a hormone problem. What would you recommend?
Thank you

— Dolores Taylor

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