mental health - 3 minute read

5 Tips to Support Your Mental Health Through Menopause

Menopause talk usually means hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog, even vaginal dryness. Oftentimes, it's hard to make space for the very real mental health concerns that arise with and because of these physical manifestations of menopause. 

Our Kindra community is here to support your well-being, and what better way to do that than root back to the source? Here are 5 tips to support your mental health:


Mindfulness and meditation has shown clinical success in helping those experiencing menopause mood changes, especially when it comes to feelings of anxiousness and irritability. Leave space in your head for your reactions, meditate, reflect, whenever you can carve out a little time. Try out the Calm app and see if a daily meditation practice is helpful to you. Just start with 5 minutes and go from there. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has also shown clinical success in supporting those dealing with challenging mood symptoms during menopause.

Practice Gratitude

Practicing even a daily ritual of gratitude by making a shortlist of ANYTHING you are thankful for may move you forward and support moving forward from moment to moment. As we allow ourselves gradually to know we are the same women, loved and certainly deserving the full love of our partners, or communities of families and friends – we can find liberation in this new place. Still, remember to be gentle with yourself. Sometimes a few notes of gratitude may not be enough, but it can certainly be worth a try.


Regular exercise is key during the menopause transition. When you exercise, serotonin is produced, which may be helpful to boost mood. Calming, low impact exercises like yoga and tai chi are often recommended during this era of life. These activities can also help enhance your overall well-being, in mental health and beyond.

Supplement Your Well-Being

Don't overlook the power of herbal formulas as a part of your total care regimen. Kindra’s supplements are specifically formulated to work well together in harmony as a daily regimen or separately to target specific concerns and uses. We use Pycnogenol in all our supplements, which is an antioxidant more powerful than Vitamin C. It promotes healthy blood circulation which in turn decreases hot flashes and night sweats and lowering instances of night sweats leads to better rest. Getting enough sleep is a major key in regulating mood swings.

Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Help & Support

Did you know there is a 2.5 times increase in the diagnosis of mood disorders during the menopause transition?

It can be a confusing experience to navigate, so we recommend checking out Psychology Today to find a CBT-trained therapist in your area.

Help can come in many forms. Talk with your female friends, join a support group or have a frank discussion with your GYN or healthcare practitioner. Your voice is your most powerful tool. If you’re not sure how to start, reach out to us. We can share resources, prompts for discussion, and guides to share with your medical practitioner.

No two women will have the same experience. The method used to treat your concerns depends on their intensity. If your daily life is being affected and you’re feeling increasingly unable to cope, you should contact your doctor.


Want to learn more? Get tailored education and suggestions for your own personal menopause journey by taking Kindra's hormone assessment. 

The Menopause Quiz

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Great information on menopause

— Debra

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